Verity Speech & Debate Club
Verity Speech & Debate Club is a 501(c)(3) non-profit for homeschool students ages 5-18 to participate in competitive speech and debate opportunities. Students learn how to communicate clearly, logically, and winsomely. Students practice their skills both by participating in class as well as in tournaments.
Parents are a student’s best teachers, so we include parents as club members. Verity meetings provide a fun, supportive, and Christ-honoring environment for homeschooled students to learn and practice skills that they will use for a lifetime.
Verity Students Learn To:
Prepare faithfully, speak clearly, express ideas and emotions appropriately, and honor the Lord with their choices.
Listen critically, research with discernment & diligence, speak winsomely and respectfully, present arguments with logic and proof, organize thoughts & materials, take notes and build good arguments.
We live in an increasingly global society where academics and science are revered–and where God is mocked. Christians are often silenced by the fear of being politically incorrect, or being labeled as “right- wing fanatics.” Christ-followers are often characterized as “country bumpkins” who cling to their guns and their God. Meanwhile, issues near to God’s heart are being trampled due to a lack of speakers who can break down logical fallacies and eloquently speak God’s truth.
Speech and debate can help to equip our young people to meet the intellectual and cultural elite on their turf with intelligence and grace, just as Paul debated the Greeks on Mars Hill, bringing the truth of Jesus Christ into their world by presenting logical arguments in a winsome way to engage the culture with Truth.
What happens at Verity Club meetings?
We make friends and laugh a lot.
We prepare and practice for competitive Speech and Debate Tournaments.
We use a variety of activities to learn to speak clearly, expressively & smoothly.
We learn poise, posture, and politeness.
We examine truth from Scripture, seeking to apply it to our developing speaking skills.