Speech and Debate Example Videos

Curated playlists for speech and debate events. Click on each type of speech or debate to be redirected to the playlists.

While these videos state that they are from NITOC, Stoa, or NCFCA, we have not screened all of the videos completely. Additionally, some of the videos have ads playing before the content.

Stoa also has many NITOC videos available for members

Platform Speeches

Limited Prep Speeches

Interpretive Speech Events

Debate Examples

Speech and Debate Workshops and Camps


NCFCA is not our speech and debate league. However, the rules are similar and aligned with the same values of Verity. The NCFCA YouTube channel has some great examples to give you ideas for our own competitions.


Speech and Debate Documentary – A competitive speech & debate documentary. Follow a group of Christian homeschool speech & debate competitors from Texas through the 2017-2018 season of competition. See the personal struggle of each competitor as they overcome their own limitations, perfect their pieces and navigate the tournament schedule in order to compete in the national tournament at the end of the season.