Verity Debate 2024-2025

Verity offers two levels of debate, Public Forum (ages 9 – 13) and Team Policy or Lincoln Douglas (ages 12-18). Your child’s age is evaluated as of October 1st each year. Therefore, if your child turns 12 on October 2nd, for Verity, and our regional (CCofSE) and national leagues (Stoa), their age for the year would still be 11. While students are elegible for Varsity-level Stoa events at age 12, some students chose to remain in Public Forum until age 13. This is a choice made by the family in conjunction with the debate coaches.

You can find the information about each debate event in the drop-down menu.

Please note that not all tournaments will offer all events. 

Photo credit Meg Lansing
Photo credit Meg Lansing
Photo Credit Meg Lansing