The Colonial Classic

Each year Verity hosts a spring Stoa/CCofSE modeled tournament. This year our tournament will be held March 13th through the 15th, 2025 at Veritas School in Richmond, VA.

We rely on parents and families to host these tournaments. Tournaments are huge endeavors where everyone’s help is needed. Hosting tournaments is a way we can serve the other teams in our area and is also the another way we can raise funds to help pay our club expenses. Every family will be involved in recruiting as many judges as possible for this event. Parents should also plan on filling a role such as judge greeting, food prep, hall monitoring, etc. More details will be provided during our club meetings but we want to be clear that this tournament. is a team effort and we need each parent to plug in somewhere.

Judge Recruitment

We need all Verity families to work hard to recruit judges to make this tournament a success. We have a flyer available for you to use to recruit. Other Verity families have also had success collecting people’s names and emails and completing the judge registration process for the volunteer judges they are recruiting.

Ideas for Judge recruitment

  1. Toastmasters: This international public speaking organization has local clubs throughout the US. Contact one in your area and ask to come speak. Bring along a senior speaker or alum to give a 5-minute example speech, perhaps a persuasive on why to come judge!
  2. City Council: Invite the council members
  3. Employers: Ask all host club parents to post information at their places of employment. Often companies require community service from employees, and this fits the bill!
  4. Local Colleges: Contact the forensic coach or communications department chair at local colleges. Ask for students or professors to volunteer. Some professors offer their students extra credit for judging.
  5. Church: All club families should invite pastors and church members.
  6. Homeschool Group Lists: Send an email invitation to all home school groups lists in the area. It’s a great way for new families to experience Speech and Debate!