Stoa Resources

It is often helpful to watch videos of each event. Example videos not only give us ideas on what constitutes an excellent performance, but for new speech students, they can clearly illustrate each type of speech event.

For Stoa members, you can access many resources through the Stoa website. These include finals videos, club resources, tournament resources, and much more! There is also a handy resource finder to help us figure out where we can look for the specific resources we need.

Stoa also has other, more general, videos, including shorter clips, that can be found at the following links:

Stoa’s YouTube also contains many helpful videos we encourage families to check out. 

We encourage new families especially to watch this encouraging video

For those who are not Stoa members, or for anyone wishing to watch shorter clips, you can  see our collection of videos here. Most of these videos are publicly available on YouTube. We have simply curated the playlists for ease of viewing. These videos are all from Stoa and/or NITOC events and match the events listed under Varsity speech.